Collider (component)#

Component for defining Entity’s collision information, such as its bounding boxes and collision attributes defined by the collision_handle enumerator.

The shape of the collider can be dynamically updated according to the shape of the Sprite component, which must be enabled by calling Collider::enable_dynamic_shape.

For checking how the collision is actually handled, see Collision.


enum class CollisionHandle : std::size_t#

Options for collision handling:

  • CollisionHandle::IMMOVABLE: Cannot move the object.

  • CollisionHandle::MOVABLE: The object can move by itself.

  • CollisionHandle::PUSH: The object can be pushed.

  • CollisionHandle::PHASE: Collision is identified but it is not moved nor does it stops other objects from moving.

  • CollisionHandle::DESTROY: Destroy the object when any collision happpens (e.g. a projectile that hits a wall).


enumerator IMMOVABLE#
enumerator MOVABLE#
enumerator PUSH#
enumerator PHASE#
enumerator DESTROY#
enum projectile_handle#

Options for handling collisions against projectiles. Currently unused. Could eventually add the possibility to reflect projectiles.

Actually, this probably won’t be used, this information will probably be integrated into collision_handle.


struct Collider : public Component#
#include <Collider.hpp>

Component used for collision detection. Currently only supports AABB collistion (intersecting rectangles).

Public Functions

inline Collider()#
inline Collider(std::string user_tag, CollisionHandle mHandling, int w = 0, int h = 0)#
virtual void init() override#

Remove collider from Game collider vector.

virtual void render() override#

Update function (called every game tick).

inline void enable_dynamic_shape()#
inline void disable_dynamic_shape()#
void get_shape()#

For getting shape from the Sprite component.

Public Members

std::string tag#

This tag could eventually be useful for deciding whether to take the collision into account.

bool visualize_collider = false#
bool dynamic_shape#

This is only used for debugging. The actual handling is done in the Sprite component with the set_collider attribute. To set it on or off, use the enable_dynamic_shape and disable_dynamic_shape functions. They’ll ensure that dynamic_shape and the Sprite’s set_collider members are in sync.

CollisionHandle handling_option#

Information about if the object can move/be moved or not. It should be an entry of the collision_handle enum.

std::size_t projectile_handling_option#

Information about if the object should be destroyed or damaged when hit by a projectile.

int width#
int height#

Width and Height of the rectangular collider.