Source code for main

import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
import decorators
from typing import Tuple, Union, OrderedDict
from types import GeneratorType
from import DataLoader, Dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import os
from datetime import datetime
import pickle
import re
from warnings import warn

# For typing:
Tensor = th.Tensor

# Functions:
[docs]@decorators.timer def train_model( model: 'NetBase', nb_epochs: int, learning_rate: float, loss_fn: 'nn.Loss', loader_tuple: Tuple[DataLoader, DataLoader], params: Union[GeneratorType, str] = None, print_bool: bool = True, remove_bool: bool = True, comment: str = None): """Function for training a :class:`NetBase` model. This function will create a folder with reports about the training and the model, according to the information contained in the model's report manager (see :class:`ReportManager`) for more. The training can be stopped at any point by the user through a ``KeyboardInterrupt``, which will conclude the training correctly, without losing progress. Args: model: The actual network to be trained. nb_epochs: Number of epochs for training. learning_rate: The learning rate. loss_fn: The Loss Function to use. loader_tuple: (training, validation) DataLoader objects. params: Either the specific parameters that should be trained, if different from the whole network, or the ``params`` argument for the model's :func:`~NetBase.get_params` method. The latter use is recommended, since in this case the ``params`` information will be able to be integrated to the training report. print_bool: If we want to print training and validation errors during iterations. remove_bool: If we want to delete the Epoch files after the training is complete. comment: A comment to add to the training report. """ if params is None: params = model.parameters() else: if not isinstance(params, GeneratorType): if comment is None: comment = '' else: comment += '\n\t\t\t' comment += f"Parameter argument: {params}, type: {type(params)}." \ f"\n\t\t\t" params = model.get_params(params) optimizer = th.optim.Adam(params, lr=learning_rate) train_loader, valid_loader = loader_tuple # device = th.device('cuda:0' if th.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') device = train_loader.dataset.device if device != valid_loader.dataset.device: model = train_error = th.zeros(nb_epochs, 1) valid_error = th.zeros(nb_epochs, 1) train_accur = th.zeros(nb_epochs, 1) valid_accur = th.zeros(nb_epochs, 1) manager = model.trainclass.manager if len(model.trainclass) == 0: with manager('DataReport.txt', 'w') as f: f.write( f'Net Report:\n' f'{report(model)}\n' ) with manager('DataReport.txt', 'a') as f: f.write( f'Training {len(model.trainclass)}: ----------------------\n' f'Training Dataset:\n' f'{report(loader_tuple[0].dataset)}\n' f'Validation Dataset:\n' f'{report(loader_tuple[1].dataset)}\n' ) model.trainclass.add_training( nb_epochs, learning_rate, loss_fn, str( ) if comment is not None: model.trainclass.train_list[-1].add_comment(comment) try: # TRAINING LOOP for epoch in range(nb_epochs): model.train() for data, label in train_loader: # forward: # data = # data and label devices are # label = # now changed beforehand. out = model.forward(data) # step optimizer.zero_grad() if model.is_classifier: label = label.view(-1) loss = loss_fn(out, label) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # adding to the error train_error[epoch] += float(loss) if model.is_classifier: dt_arg = th.argmax(out, dim=1) train_accur[epoch] += (dt_arg == label).sum().cpu() train_error[epoch] = train_error[epoch] / len(train_loader) train_accur[epoch] = train_accur[epoch] / len(train_loader.dataset) if print_bool: print('{epoch_val}. Training loss: {error:.4g}'.format( epoch_val=epoch+1, error=float(train_error[epoch]))) if model.is_classifier: print('\tTraining accuracy: {accur:.2f}%'.format( accur=float(100 * train_accur[epoch]))) with th.no_grad(): model.eval() for data, label in valid_loader: # forward: # data = # data and label devices are # label = # now changed beforehand. out = model.forward(data) if model.is_classifier: label = label.view(-1) loss = loss_fn(out, label) # adding to the error valid_error[epoch] += float(loss) if model.is_classifier: dt_arg = th.argmax(out, dim=1) valid_accur[epoch] += (dt_arg == label).sum().cpu() valid_error[epoch] = valid_error[epoch] / len(valid_loader) valid_accur[epoch] = \ valid_accur[epoch] / len(valid_loader.dataset) if print_bool: print('{epoch_val}. Validation loss: {error:.4g}'.format( epoch_val=epoch+1, error=float(valid_error[epoch]))) if model.is_classifier: print('\tValidation accuracy: {accur:.2f}%'.format( accur=float(100*valid_accur[epoch]))) # Also saving the state_dict at the epoch folder:, f'.//{manager.path}/Epochs/' f'Epoch_{epoch + 1}.stdict') model.trainclass.train_list[-1].add_epoch( (train_error[epoch], valid_error[epoch]), (train_accur[epoch], valid_accur[epoch]), model.state_dict(), ) except KeyboardInterrupt: if train_error[epoch] or valid_error[epoch] == 0: epoch2 = epoch - 1 else: epoch2 = epoch model.trainclass.train_list[-1].add_epoch( (train_error[epoch2], valid_error[epoch2]), (train_accur[epoch2], valid_accur[epoch2]), model.state_dict() ) model.trainclass.train_list[-1].add_comment( f'Pruned at epoch {epoch} by the user.\n\t\t\t' ) # Finding and loading the best epoch: model.trainclass.finish_training() model.load_state_dict(model.trainclass.train_list[-1].best_state) if remove_bool: manager.remove_epochs() with manager('TrainingReport.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(report(model.trainclass)) model.trainclass.plot(save_bool=True, block=False, var='error') if model.is_classifier: model.trainclass.plot(save_bool=True, block=False, var='accur') model ='cpu')) with open(f'{manager.path}/best_model.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(model, f)
[docs]def report(cls_instance) -> str: """Function for creating a report about an object. Returns a string that should describe all of the information needed to initialize an identical class. It should also contain complementary information that may be useful to the user. This function in itself only calls the class's ``report`` method, but, if none is defined, it will return a string with information about the object. The classes' ``report`` method shouldn't have any arguments. Args: cls_instance: The class instance we want to make a report of. Returns: A string with the report. """ try: return except AttributeError: return f"{str(cls_instance)}\n{repr(cls_instance)}"
[docs]class NetBase(nn.Module): """Base class for neural networks. This class's definition includes general methods that should be inherited or redefined by the neural networks. It is also recommended that the child classes pass their ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` when calling ``super``. Attributes: args: The model's initialization ``*args``. kwargs: The model's initialization ``**kwargs``. is_classifier: A ``bool`` stating whether or not the model is a classifier. This is useful for determining whether or not to calculate the model's accuracy and a few other things during training. It defaults to False to avoid raising errors in :func:`train_model`. It can, of course, be overridden either by the child class or by passing ``is_classifier=True`` as a keyword argument. trainclass: The model's associated :class:`TrainingClass`, which stores information about its training and report manager. manager: A shortcut for ``self.trainclass.manager``, which is the model's :class:`ReportManager`, that stores information about the report folder where the model's information is saved. .. note:: **Why define the model's manager inside of its TrainingClass?** This is because a few of :class:`TrainingClass`'s methods use paths that are stored in the model's :class:`ReportManager`. If the ReportManager was outside it, these paths would have to be redefined inside of the training class, which is redundant, and may pose a problem if the user ever decides or has to change the report folder paths. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NetBase, self).__init__() self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs if "is_classifier" in kwargs: is_classifier = kwargs["is_classifier"] if not isinstance(is_classifier, bool): raise TypeError( f'Illegal type for "is_classifier" attribute: received ' f'{type(is_classifier)}, expected bool.') else: self.is_classifier = kwargs["is_classifier"] else: self.is_classifier = False self.trainclass = TrainingClass(**kwargs) def __str__(self) -> str: return report(self)
[docs] def report(self) -> str: """Creates a little report about the network. Returns a string that should describe all of the information needed to reproduce the neural network's initialization, as well as its representation (``.__repr__``) which is defined by PyTorch's ``nn.Module``. This function shouldn't have any arguments and can be called through the :func:`report` function. """ string = '' if not self.args == (): string += f"Arguments:\n" for arg in self.args: string += f"\t{arg}\n" if not self.kwargs == {}: string += f"Keyword Arguments:\n" for key in self.kwargs: string += f"\t{key}: {self.kwargs[key]}\n" string += f"Representation:\n" string += f"{repr(self)}" return string
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the neural network's parameters. This method can be useful when training the same network multiple times. """ self.__init__(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: """The model's forward pass.""" raise NotImplementedError( "This net's forward pass hasn't been implemented.")
[docs] def get_params(self, params: str) -> GeneratorType: """Placeholder method for fetching a subset of the net's parameters. It should take an argument that can specify which parameters to select and return a ``GeneratorType`` object. See the example below for an example of implementation. Examples: .. code-block:: class ConvModel(NetBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ConvModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) # net 1 self.conv_net_1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 32, (3, 3)), nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2), (2, 2)) ) self.lin_net_1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(32 * 15 * 15, 369), nn.Softmax(dim=1) ) # net 2 self.conv_net_2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1, 64, (3, 3)), nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2), (2, 2)) ) self.lin_net_2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(64 * 15 * 15, 369), nn.Softmax(dim=1) ) def get_params(self, params: str = None) -> GeneratorType: if params == '1': for parameter in self.conv_net_1.parameters(): yield parameter for parameter in self.lin_net_1.parameters(): yield parameter elif params == '2': for parameter in self.conv_net_2.parameters(): yield parameter for parameter in self.lin_net_2.parameters(): yield parameter else: return self.parameters() Args: params: A value that can help specify which parameters to select. Returns: A GeneratorType object with the parameters. """ return self.parameters()
@property def manager(self) -> "ReportManager": # See the class's docstring for information. return self.trainclass.manager
[docs]class DatasetBase(Dataset): """Base class for storing datasets that can be readily used for training. Attributes: inputs: A list that contains the networks' inputs, ready to be called by the model. All pre-treatment must done before-hand or during class initialization. output: A list that contains the expected outputs for training or validation. They should also be ready to be read by the loss function to be used. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DatasetBase, self).__init__() self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.inputs = [] self.output = [] self.device = th.device("cpu") def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.inputs) def __getitem__(self, item) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: inputs = self.inputs[item] output = self.output[item] return inputs, output def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] def to(self, device: th.device): """Method for changing the input and output tensors' device. Args: device: A th.device. """ if isinstance(self.inputs, list): for index in range(len(self.inputs)): self.inputs[index] = self.inputs[index].to(device) else: self.inputs = if isinstance(self.output, list): for index in range(len(self.output)): self.output[index] = self.output[index].to(device) else: self.output = self.device = device
[docs] def report(self) -> str: """See :func:`report`.""" string = '' if not self.args == (): string += f"Arguments:\n" for arg in self.args: string += f"\t{arg}\n" if not self.kwargs == {}: string += f"Keyword Arguments:\n" for key in self.kwargs: string += f"\t{key}: {self.kwargs[key]}\n" string += f"Number of data points: {len(self)}\n" return string
[docs]class TrainingClass: """Class for storing training information. Attributes: train_list: List of :class:`TrainingClass.TrainData` objects with the data for each individual training. nb_epochs: Total number of epochs completed (int). train_error: Training Error for each epoch (Tensor). valid_error: Validation Error for each epoch (Tensor). train_accur: Training Accuracy for each epoch (Tensor). valid_accur: Validation Accuracy for each epoch (Tensor). best_epoch: The number of the best epoch (int). best_state: The best state_dict out of all training epochs (collections.OrderedDict). delete_state_dicts: Whether or not to keep state_dicts from previous **training loops**. Its value indicates how many trainings back we delete. For example: 0 means we don't delete any; 1 we delete the last (meaning we won't keep any); 2 means we delete the second last (we will always keep the last, most recent); 3 means we delete the third last (we'll keep the two most recent) and so on. This is defined by the following lines of code, from this class's :func:`~TrainingClass.finish_training` method: .. code-block:: if del_dicts: try: self.train_list[-del_dicts].state_dict_list = [] except IndexError: pass .. attention:: Note that this **will not** delete the :class:`TrainData` class for the respective training loop, all of its information is safe. It must also be kept in mind that picking a value :math:`x` greater than one means that all *epochs* from the :math:`x-1` most recent training loops will be kept, not only the last :math:`x-1` epochs from the most recent training loop. manager: The :class:`ReportManager` class that manages the model's report folder. """ def __init__(self, delete_state_dicts: int = 1, **kwargs): """Class initialization""" self.train_list = [] self.nb_epochs = 0 self.train_error = th.Tensor([]) self.valid_error = th.Tensor([]) self.train_accur = th.Tensor([]) self.valid_accur = th.Tensor([]) self.best_epoch = None self.best_state = None self.delete_state_dicts = delete_state_dicts self.manager = ReportManager(**kwargs) def __getitem__(self, item) -> "TrainingClass.TrainData": return self.train_list[item] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.train_list) def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] def add_training(self, nb_epochs: int, learning_rate: float, loss_fn: 'nn.Loss', file_name: str): """Adds a :class:`TrainingClass.TrainData` object to the train_list attribute. Args: nb_epochs: Number of epochs for training. learning_rate: Learning Rate. loss_fn: The Loss Function used. file_name: The file_name picked for the training. .. warning:: ``file_name`` might become deprecated in the future. """ if file_name is not None: warn('"file_name" may become deprecated in the future', FutureWarning) self.train_list.append( self.TrainData(nb_epochs, learning_rate, loss_fn, file_name))
[docs] def finish_training(self): """Method for adapting the class's attributes after training. This adds the last training's data to the rest of the training data, updating the best epoch and state_dict. """ self.train_list[-1].finish_training() self.nb_epochs += len(self.train_list[-1]) self.train_error =[self.train_error, self.train_list[-1].train_error]).detach() self.valid_error =[self.valid_error, self.train_list[-1].valid_error]).detach() self.train_accur =[self.train_accur, self.train_list[-1].train_accur]).detach() self.valid_accur =[self.valid_accur, self.train_list[-1].valid_accur]).detach() self.best_epoch = self.train_list[-1].best_epoch + \ self.nb_epochs - len(self.train_list[-1].train_error) self.best_state = self.train_list[-1].best_state del_dicts = self.delete_state_dicts if del_dicts: try: self.train_list[-del_dicts].state_dict_list = [] except IndexError: pass
[docs] def plot(self, save_bool: bool = False, block: bool = False, var: str = 'error'): """Plots training or accuracy graphs for all trainings. Args: save_bool: Whether or not to save the graph as a file. block: Whether or not the plotting of the graph should stop the code from continuing. var: Which graph to plot ("error" for the error or "accur" for the accuracy). """ sns.set() plt.figure() if var == 'error': plt.plot(range(1, len(self.train_error) + 1), self.train_error, label='Training Loss') plt.plot(range(1, len(self.valid_error) + 1), self.valid_error, label='Validation Loss') plt.ylabel('Loss value') plt.title('Loss') title = 'loss' elif var == 'accur': plt.plot(range(1, len(self.train_accur) + 1), 100 * self.train_accur, label='Training Accuracy') plt.plot(range(1, len(self.valid_accur) + 1), 100 * self.valid_accur, label='Validation Accuracy') plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)') plt.title('Accuracy') title = 'accur' else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid variable name: {var}.") plt.xlabel('Epoch number') plt.legend() if save_bool: plt.savefig(f'{self.manager.path}/Images/' f'{self.train_list[-1].file_name}_{title}.png') if block: plt.pause(5) plt.close() else: sns.reset_orig()
[docs] def report(self) -> str: """Creates a report that describes overall training. Returns: A string with a little report, with information about the trainings. """ string = f'Overall Training Report: {self.manager.dirname}\n' \ f'\tNumber of Trainings: {len(self.train_list)}\n' \ f'\tTotal Number of Epochs: {self.nb_epochs}\n' \ f'\tBest Epoch: {self.best_epoch}\n\n' \ f'Training Information:\n' for idx, train_data in enumerate(self.train_list): string += f'\tTraining {idx}: ------------------------\n' string += f'{report(train_data)}\n' return string
[docs] class TrainData: """An object for storing information of one particular training loop. .. note:: Some of the attributes listed below are defined during initialization as lists, but become Tensors when the :func:`~TrainingClass.TrainData.finish_training` method is called. Args: nb_epochs: Number of epochs for training. learning_rate: Learning Rate. loss_fn: The Loss Function used. file_name: The file_name picked for the training. .. warning:: ``file_name`` might become deprecated in the future. Attributes: train_error: Training Error for each epoch (Tensor). valid_error: Validation Error for each epoch (Tensor). train_accur: Training Accuracy for each epoch (Tensor). valid_accur: Validation Accuracy for each epoch (Tensor). state_dict_list: A list with the state_dict of each epoch. It may be reset after training if the model's associated :class:`TrainingClass` has a ``delete_state_dicts`` attribute with a value different from 0. Check the class's documentation for more information on how this works. comment: A string with a possible comment to be added to the training report (through the :func:`~TrainingClass.TrainData.add_comment` method). In particular, when the training is pruned by the user through a ``KeyboardInterrupt``. best_epoch: The number of the best epoch (int). best_state: The best state_dict (collections.OrderedDict). """ def __init__(self, nb_epochs: int, learning_rate: float, loss_fn: 'nn.Loss', file_name: str): """Initializes the class. Args: nb_epochs: Number of epochs for training. learning_rate: Learning Rate. params: The network to train. loss_fn: The Loss Function used. file_name: The file_name picked for the training. """ self.nb_epochs = nb_epochs self.learning_rate = learning_rate, self.loss_fn = loss_fn self.file_name = file_name self.train_error = [] self.valid_error = [] self.train_accur = [] self.valid_accur = [] self.state_dict_list = [] self.best_epoch = None self.best_state = None self.comment = None def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.train_error) def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] def add_epoch(self, error_tuple: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], accur_tuple: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], state_dict: OrderedDict, comment: str = None): """Method for adding an epoch's information to the class. Args: error_tuple: training and validation errors. accur_tuple: training and validation accuracies. state_dict: The model's current state_dict. comment: A string with a comment to be added to the training report. """ train_error, valid_error = error_tuple train_accur, valid_accur = accur_tuple self.train_error.append(train_error) self.valid_error.append(valid_error) self.train_accur.append(train_accur) self.valid_accur.append(valid_accur) self.state_dict_list.append( {k: v.cpu() for k, v in state_dict.items()}) if comment is not None: self.comment += str(comment) # str() just to avoid problems.
[docs] def finish_training(self): """Method for adapting the class's attributes after training. This turns training and validation errors and accuracies into a tensor (originally lists). As well as defining the best epoch in this training and separating it's state dict. """ self.train_error = self.valid_error = self.train_accur = self.valid_accur = best_epoch = int(th.argmin(self.valid_error)) self.best_epoch = best_epoch self.best_state = self.state_dict_list[best_epoch]
[docs] def report(self) -> str: """Creates a report that describes the training. Returns: A string with a little report, with information about the training. """ string = f'\t\tNumber of Epochs: {len(self.train_error)}\n' \ f'\t\tLearning Rate: {self.learning_rate}\n' \ f'\t\tLoss Function: {self.loss_fn}\n' \ f'\t\tFile Name: {self.file_name}\n' \ f'\t\tBest Epoch: {self.best_epoch}\n' if self.comment is not None: string += \ f'\t\tComments: {self.comment}\n' return string
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment: str): """Adds a comment to the class's comment attribute. Args: comment: The comment we want to add. """ if self.comment is None: self.comment = comment else: self.comment += comment
[docs]class ReportManager: """Class for managing a model's report folder and report files. This class is instantiated when a :class:`NetBase` class is initalized. It's stored in the model's :class:`TrainingClass` class (``trainclass`` attribute), although it can be called through the model's ``manager`` attribute (property). The class creates the model's report folder, where information about its training will be stored (such as its epochs' state dictionaries, images, reports and the best iteration's model), and manages the actual text reports. Args: dirname: The name of the model's report directory. Defaults to the current date and time (````) if nothing is passed. If the specified dirname already exists, the current date and time will be added to its end to distinguish the reports. The class will print a note on that. report_dir: The name of the Reports folder (where the individual model report directories are stored). Default is ``"_Report"``. complete path: If the user wants to use a base folder different from the current one, it can specify a path and the report manager will enter it. The model's reports will be stored in ``complete_path/report_dir/dirname``. If nothing is specified, the current directory is used as the complete path. .. warning:: Picking a different ``complete_path`` will result in a change of the current directory (to the specified ``complete_path``) which is *not* reverted. Attributes: report_dir: The specified report_dir base_path: The specified complete_path (if none is specified, then it's set as the current directory). dirname: The final dirname picked for the model's report folder. path: f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}" files: A set containing the text report files' names. It is a set because during multiple trainings, the same files may be edited multiple times, which would result in multiple entries with the same name. """ def __init__(self, dirname: str = None, report_dir: str = "_Reports", complete_path: str = None): self.report_dir = report_dir if dirname is None: date = str( date = date.replace(":", "_") dirname = date if complete_path is not None: os.chdir(complete_path) self.base_path = complete_path else: self.base_path = os.getcwd() try: if not os.path.exists(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}"): os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}/Epochs") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}/Images") else: date = str( date = date.replace(":", "_") print( f'Report "{dirname}" already exists, creating a new name: ' f'{dirname} - {date}') dirname = f'{dirname} - {date}' os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}/Epochs") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}/Images") except FileNotFoundError: # Related to the _Reports folder: print(f'Creating "{report_dir}" folder in the current directory ' f'({os.getcwd()})...') os.mkdir(f"{report_dir}") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}/Epochs") os.mkdir(f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}/Images") self.dirname = dirname self.path = f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}" self.files = set() def __call__(self, filename: str, method: str) -> "ReportManager.File": """Returns a :class:`ReportManager.File` object that creates a txt file. This is done so the ``with`` statement can be called with a :class:`ReportManager` instance for creating a text file in the correct report folder. Examples: >>> manager = ReportManager(dirname='ConvModel') >>> with manager("Report.txt", 'w') as f: ... f.write("Hello There") ... >>> # The "Report.txt" file was written directly in >>> # './/_Reports/ConvModel' >>> # Another example: >>> model = NetBase(dirname='ConvModel') # Toy model Report "ConvModel" already exists, creating a new name: ConvModel - 2021-11-10 12_43_10.517134 >>> with model.manager('Report.txt', 'w') as f: ... f.write("General Kenobi") ... >>> # "Report.txt" written directly at >>> # './/_Reports/ConvModel - 2021-11-10 12_43_10.517134' Args: filename: The text file's name. method: The method for editing the text file. Returns: An instance of a :class:`ReportManager.File` object. """ if filename.find('.') == -1: filename += '.txt' self.files.add(filename) return self.File(filename, method, self.report_dir, self.dirname)
[docs] def chdir(self, path: str): """Changes the report directory according to the informed final path. This method may create the necessary directories to reach the path given by the user. If the number of directories that need to be created is greater than two, then the user will be prompted for confirmation. Args: path: The path to the final model report folder. TODO: Add "timed input" functionality, so the code will continue if the user is AFK and doesn't see the prompt. """ abs_path = os.path.abspath(path) path_list = abs_path.split("/") dirname = path_list[-1] report_dir = path_list[-2] if os.path.exists(path): os.chdir(abs_path.removesuffix(f"/{report_dir}/{dirname}")) complete_path = os.getcwd() else: complete_path = "" for idx in range(len(path_list) - 2): complete_path += f"{path_list[idx]}/" complete_path = complete_path.removesuffix("/") if os.path.exists(complete_path): os.makedirs(abs_path) os.chdir(complete_path) else: val = '' while val not in ['y', 'n']: val = input(f"Base path {complete_path} does not exist, " f"make directories anyway? [y/n]\n" f"([n] will raise FileNotFoundError).") if val == 'y': os.makedirs(abs_path) os.chdir(complete_path) else: raise FileNotFoundError("Report Folder does not exist.") self.dirname = dirname self.report_dir = report_dir self.base_path = complete_path self.path = f".//{report_dir}/{dirname}" self.files = set()
[docs] def remove_epochs(self): """Removes the epoch state-dicts in the Epochs folder after training. """ # Deleting the Epochs folder: files = os.listdir(f'.//{self.path}/Epochs/') for file in files: # Only take into account the Epoch ones (just to be safe) match ='Epoch_\d{1}', file) if match is None: continue else: os.remove(f'.//{self.path}/Epochs/{file}')
# Remove the empty directory altogether: # os.rmdir(f'.//{self.path}/Epochs')
[docs] class File: """Class for creating text report files when entered. This class is sneakily entered when :class:`ReportManager` is called. .. code-block:: >>> manager = ReportManager(dirname='ConvModel') >>> with manager("Report.txt", 'w') as f: ... # It looks like we are using manager.__enter__ because ... # of the 'while' statement. However, ReportManager doesn't ... # have a .__enter__ method defined. ... # manager("Report.txt", 'w') is actually ... # manager.__call__("Report.txt", 'w') which actually returns ... # ReportManager.File object ... # which is then entered because of the 'with' statement ... f.write("Hello There") ... Check the examples below. It then creates the desired text report file directly in the model's report directory. Examples: >>> manager = ReportManager(dirname='ConvModel') >>> with manager("Report.txt", 'w') as f: ... f.write("Hello There") ... >>> # The "Report.txt" file was written directly in >>> # './/_Reports/ConvModel' >>> # Another example: >>> model = NetBase(dirname='ConvModel') # Toy model Report "ConvModel" already exists, creating a new name: ConvModel - 2021-11-10 12_43_10.517134 >>> with model.manager("Report.txt", 'w') as f: ... f.write("General Kenobi") ... >>> # "Report.txt" written directly at >>> # './/_Reports/ConvModel - 2021-11-10 12_43_10.517134' """ def __init__(self, filename, method, base_dir, dirname): self.filename = filename self.method = method self.base_dir = base_dir self.dirname = dirname self.path = f".//{base_dir}/{dirname}/{filename}" # Maybe check about the file here, instead of doing it in the # __enter__ method. self.test_path()
[docs] def test_path(self): """Tests if the model's report directory can be accessed. If it can't, it will prompt the user with a few questions in order to find out whether or not the problem can be fixed. """ if not os.path.exists(f".//{self.base_dir}/{self.dirname}"): print(f"Report file .//{self.base_dir}/{self.dirname} " f"not found.\nCurrent Directory: {os.getcwd()}.") value1 = False while value1 not in ['y', 'n']: value1 = input("Create new directory? [y]/[n]") if value1 == 'y': try: os.mkdir(f"{self.base_dir}") except FileExistsError: pass os.mkdir(f".//{self.base_dir}/{self.dirname}") elif value1 == 'n': value2 = False while value2 not in ['y', 'n']: value2 = input("Change directory path? [y]/[n]\n " "([n] will raise FileNotFoundError).") if value2 == 'y': new_path = input("Type in the new path.") os.chdir(new_path) self.test_path() elif value2 == 'n': raise FileNotFoundError("Report Folder does not exist.")
def __enter__(self) -> "open file": self.file = open( f".//{self.base_dir}/{self.dirname}/{self.filename}", self.method) return self.file def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # print(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.file.close()
# If we get an exception that can be handled, we can add # "return True" for that case. if __name__ == '__main__': from datasets import * from nets import * device = th.device('cuda:0' if th.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print(f"device: {device}") with open('.//_Data/colab_dataset.pkl', 'rb') as f: full_dataset = pickle.load(f) fold = 1 tds = HASYv2Dataset() vds = HASYv2Dataset() tds = tds.cross_val(fold, True, full_dataset) vds = vds.cross_val(fold, False, full_dataset) del full_dataset # In order to avoid using all of the available memory model = TwoLayer(dirname='TwoLayerTest') tdl = DataLoader(tds, batch_size=1, shuffle=True) vdl = DataLoader(vds, batch_size=10000) train_model(model, 10, 1e-4, nn.NLLLoss(), (tdl, vdl))