check_hprparams Subroutine

public subroutine check_hprparams(nb_hprparams, hprnames, hprdata, hprdim, hprbool, requiredbool)

Subroutine for checking which hyper parameters were informed by the user.

This subroutine starts where the handle_hyp_file(...) subroutine stops, and is written separately only for clarity. It checks if all required hyper parameters have been defined (and will halt execution if not). If optional hyper parameters haven't been specified, then it warns the user and shows them the default values used.


Default values for optional hyper parameters must be defined in the optimization procedure before calling the handle_hyp_file(...) subroutine, by initializing the associated elements of the hprdata array.

  • ARGUMENTS are explained in the handle_hyp_file(...) subroutine's documentation


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: nb_hprparams
character(len=256), dimension(nb_hprparams) :: hprnames

Hyperparameter names.

real(kind=8), dimension(nb_hprparams, dimx) :: hprdata

Where data will be saved

integer, dimension(nb_hprparams) :: hprdim

Dimension of each hprparam.

logical, dimension(nb_hprparams) :: hprbool

Bool array: hprparam present or not

logical, dimension(nb_hprparams) :: requiredbool

Bool array: hprparam optional or not